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About Me

Calvin C Logan II 

A native of Los Angeles, CA Calvin Logan II is a Charleston, South Carolina-area televangelist and the chief executive officer of The Logan Power Show.

A spiritually-empowering show he started some five years ago, The Logan Power Show’s notable mission is to change, among other things, the airways and television, particularly as it pertains to how people observe life.

“We are here to uplift, intercede, motivate, rebuke curses, devour the negative, and to make a mark that can’t be erase

A spiritually-enriching show that Logan established courtesy of God’s endorsement, coupled with the guidance of Spencer Jones, his show’s producer, it’s safe to assume that The Logan Power Show is making immeasurable strides in this, its infancy stages. 

What a phenomenal start to 2019 on The L
It all starts when you BEGIN, BELIEVE, &
It was our distinguished honor to have e
It was our distinguished honor to have e
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